Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cars, Bikes, Pedestrians in NYC

3-Way Street from ronconcocacola on Vimeo.

Overhead view of bicycles interacting with cars and pedestrians

Many made comments about the cyclists being clearly breaking more laws than the pedestrians and the drivers or that the cyclists were much more zippy when breaking laws (apparently implying greater danger). No one commented on the heavy imbalance in favor of cars over bikes as a way to get around. And the cars are certainly taking up the most space and the infrastructure is entirely intended to serve the interests of cars (although failing to do so very well).

Bicycle Rush Hour Utrecht (Netherlands) I from caguta on Vimeo.

Rush hour in the Netherlands . . . a bit different than NYC

Oh, so you can have lots of bikes and not so many cars after all. Hmm.

In the NYC video, the videographer inserted red flashing boxes, circles etc., when bikes got too close to pedestrians, cars too close to bikes, and so on - a comment was that being close isn't necessarily dangerous. And we see that in the Netherlands where the tolerance for close maneuvering on bikes blows away anything one would see here.

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